6 mantras for moms to help you thrive in motherhood

image of mother trying to calm down her baby - MamaCare

6 mantras for moms to help you thrive in motherhood

When your kids are melting down, the house is a mess, and everything seems to be falling apart, it seems impossible to stay calm and centered. But sometimes all it takes is repeating a simple phrase or mantra can be enough to help shift your mindset to a more positive one.

A mantra is a statement that you say to yourself to tap into your inner strength and feel in control of the situation. Whether you're a new mom or an experienced parent, repeating these phrases can provide some comfort and clarity and help you thrive as you tackle whatever challenge you’re facing at the moment—whether you’re dealing with a fussy baby, a tantruming toddler, or just feeling like you’ve got nothing left in your tank.

Here are 6 mantras for moms that you can pull from your toolbox whenever you need to clear your head and regulate your emotions.

1. I deserve to take care of myself

If a friend asked you, “Do I deserve to be taken care of?” you wouldn’t hesitate to respond with an emphatic, “YES!” Yet as a mom, it’s really hard to feel that we ourselves are worthy of self-care. But we know that prioritizing your needs is essential in order for you and your family to thrive.

If you feel guilty about taking time to exercise, or meeting a friend for lunch, or booking that hair appointment you’ve put off for a year—don’t. Remind yourself that your family can only be at their best when you are at your best.

2. This too shall pass

When you’re going through particularly tough phases of parenting—sleep training, hitting, potty training—it’s hard to believe that things will ever get better. But then they do—often without you even realizing that the phase you thought would never end is now behind you.

Remind yourself that this moment won’t last forever. Your kids will eventually grow out of this stage—and as hard as it might feel is to believe it, you might even miss these days.

3. Social media is not real lifea highlight reel

We’ve all done it—mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, staring at pictures of happy moms with smiling kids in colour-coordinated outfits that seamlessly blend into the decor of their beautiful house. “How does she have it all together?!” you wonder.

We promise you—she doesn’t.

No one knows what happens behind closed doors. Everyone has problems, and most moms are likely struggling with the same things you are. What you see online doesn’t always reflect reality.

4. I know what my child needs

With the amount of parenting advice that’s out there, it can feel incredibly overwhelming to make any parenting decision. It’s easy to doubt yourself when everyone claims that their way is the only way. But here’s a secret—you’re the expert on your kid and you know what’s best for them.

Try to tune out the unsolicited opinions and judgy attitudes. Trust in your own instincts as a strong and capable mother.

5. I’m grateful for the life I have

This one may seem a bit woo-woo, but practicing gratitude can decrease the negative feelings that pop up when you’re in the thick of motherhood.

Whether it’s your health, the food on your plate, or the roof over your head, there’s probably a lot more to be thankful for than you realize. When you take time to notice your blessings and express gratitude for them, your perspective will change.

6. I give myself grace

This one’s for all the moms who are too hard on themselves (so, in other words, all of us). As a parent, you’re going to make mistakes and you’re going to screw up. Toss the negative self-talk and remind yourself that no one is perfect. You’re doing your best, and your best is enough

A little grace can go a long way in helping you let go of feelings of guilt or inadequacy.

These mantras for moms can help ground you during those inevitable moments of chaos throughout your parenting journey.

The next time you feel like you can’t cope with the stress of motherhood, try repeating one of these mantras and see if you feel more relaxed. And if these phrases don’t work for you, make up your own—there are no rules, so choose anything that feels meaningful to you.

Take a deep breath, repeat your mantra several times, and enjoy the benefits of some inner peace—at least for a few minutes.

If you want to chat with a professional about other strategies for coping with negative feelings as a new mom, we’re just a quick email away. Send us a note and let us know how we can help! 

*This information is not therapeutic advice and is the opinion of these authors and is not in lieu of mental health support from a licensed clinician in your area. If you are struggling, please reach out to a licensed mental health worker in your area.


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